How do I copy and paste in Remote Desktop?

Even when you have the "Clipboard" option enabled, you may still have problems!

If that's the case, use Task Manager to kill and restart the rdpclip.exe process on local and remote machines.

More details on this blog post …

The only way I really knew to fix the clipboard transfer was to close my session and restart it. That meant closing the tools I was using like Visual Studio, Management Studio and the other ancillary processes I have running as I work and then restarting all of it just to restore the clipboard. But today I found a good link on the Terminal Services Blog explaining that what is really happening. The clipboard viewer chain is somehow becoming unresponsive on the local or remote system and events on the clipboards are not being relayed between systems. It is not necessarily a lock being put in place but some sort of failed data transmission. It then goes on to explain the 2 steps you can take to restore the clipboard without restarting your session.

Use Task Manager to kill the rdpclip.exe process
Run rdpclip.exe to restart it

… and a pretty ridculous "explanation" from Microsoft.


If you have a shared clipboard problem, see if the following troubleshooting guide helps:

+--------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+ | Symptom | Possible Cause | Possible Solution | +--------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+ | Remote-to-local copy and | RDPCLIP is not in the | Kill and restart RDPCLIP. | | paste broken. | clipboard viewer chain. | | +--------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+ | Local-to-remote copy and | TS client is not in the | Close the TS client and | | paste broken. | clipboard viewer chain. | reconnect to the session. | +--------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+ | RDPCLIP or the TS client | There is a loop in the | Kill and restart RDPCLIP. | | is using excessive CPU. | local or remote | If this does not fix the | | | clipboard viewer chain. | problem, close the TS client | | | | and reconnect to the session.| +--------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+

Cannot Copy and Paste via RDP? We can help you.

We cannot copy/paste a text or file between our computer and a remote host if we actively use remote connections to workstations, Windows servers, or RDS farms using the RDP protocol.

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Today, let us see how to resolve this error.

Cannot Copy and Paste via RDP

Sometimes the clipboard does not work in a Remote Desktop session if we actively use remote connections to workstations, Windows servers, or RDS farms using the RDP protocol.

We may come across two scenarios:

  • It does not allow copying files/data using RDP on a remote server
  • rdpclip.exe process crashes in the current user session

RDP Clipboard Stops Working in Remote Desktop Session

If we come across the clipboard issue, the best option is to end the current RDP session correctly [logoff] and reconnect.

However, it is not always convenient since we have to reopen everything again.

Fortunately, there is a way to restore the correct clipboard operation in an RDP session without logging off.

Rdpclip.exe is responsible for clipboard operation between our local computer and the Remote Desktop host.

A separate rdpclip.exe process starts for each remote user session when they connect to the Remote Desktop.

Using the Task Manager, we can kill the rdpclip.exe process and run it manually [Task Manager -> File -> Start new task -> rdpclip -> Enter].

Usually, it helps to restore the remote clipboard operation quickly. Ensure that copy/paste [Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V] is working in the RDP session.

In addition, in order to copy data via the RDP clipboard, the following conditions must be met:

First, we must enable the remote clipboard in the settings of the RDP client we use to connect to a remote computer.

Then we must allow to copy and paste data using the clipboard on the RDP/RDS host.

Allow/Prevent Copy and Paste via RDP Clipboard on Windows

We can enable or disable the use of the RDP clipboard using Group Policy or Registry settings.

  1. Initially, run the Local Group Policy Editor: gpedit.msc
  2. Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Device and Resource Redirection.
  3. To prevent copying data to/from a remote server using the clipboard of an RDP session, Enable the following policies: a] Do not allow Clipboard redirection

    b] Do not allow drive redirection

  4. If we want to force using the RDP clipboard, change the values of the settings to Disable
  5. Then update the Group Policy settings using gpupdate /force.
  6. In order to apply new settings to users, we must end the RDP sessions [logoff instead of disconnect] or wait for automatic disconnection of user sessions according to RDS timeouts.
  1. Initially, open “Server Manager“.
  2. Select Remote Desktop Services >> Collections >> Tasks
  3. Then choose “Edit Properties“.
  4. Under the “Client Settings” tab, ensure to enable the “Clipboard” and “Drive
  1. Launch “Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration” from the server.
  2. Then under “Connections“, right-click the connection and select “Properties“.
  3. Select the “Client Settings” tab and make sure to uncheck the “Clipboard” box. If we want to allow copy and paste of files, make sure to uncheck the Drive selection.
  4. Eventually, click OK.

We can disable the RDP clipboard between a computer and a remote host as follows:

reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server” / v “DisableClipboardRedirection” / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server” / v “DisableDriveRedirection” / t REG_DWORD / d 1 / f

If we use RDS hosts running on Windows Server, we can disable the clipboard and the local drives redirection:

  1. Remote Desktop Services -> Collections -> Tasks -> Edit Properties -> Client Settings.
  2. Uncheck Clipboard and Drives options in the Enable redirecting for the following section.

If we want to deny copying to/from an RDP session for users only, but not the administrators, we can change the NTFS permissions on the executable C:\windows\system32\rdpclip.exe.

To do it, uncheck Read/Execute permissions for the built-in Users group in the file’s security properties and remove the group from the list.

Client-Side Settings

  1. Right-click on the RDP icon that we use to connect, then select “Edit“.
  2. Then select the “Local Resources” tab.
  3. Check the “Clipboard” option. To allow file copying and pasting, select “More…”
    If we just need the ability to copy and paste text and not files, stop here and click “OK“.
  4. Otherwise, select the “Drives” option. Click “OK“, then “OK” again.

[Need help with the procedures? We can help you]


In short, we saw how to Allow/Prevent Copy and Paste via RDP Clipboard on Windows

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When you connect a computer using the Remote Desktop [RDP], at times, you cannot copy data between the source and the destination computer. When I say data, I mean the text or image available with the clipboard. One can also have trouble copying files between the computer. This post will show what you can do if you can’t copy and paste files or folders via Remote Desktop [RDP] clipboard.

Cannot Copy Paste in Remote Desktop [RDP] Session

To enable copy-paste in Remote Desktop Windows 10, do the following:

  1. In the Start Menu, type Remote Desktop, and click when it appears on the list to open it.
  2. In the RDP window, click on the down arrow button next to Show Options.
  3. This will open the configuration setting, which will apply to all the profiles
  4. If you have opened the RDP connection specific to the computer, the changes will apply to that only.
  5. Switch to the Local Resources tab
  6. Then check the box next to Clipboard.

This will ensure that anything you copy on the source or destination computer will be available on both the computer.

Copy and paste in Remote Desktop is not working

To access drives to copy files, click More and then select the source computer’s drive, which should appear on the destination computer.

This will make sure if you want to copy-paste the files or folder, then it will be possible.

If you change the setting for the global profile, it will remember and apply to all future connections.

Since it is one of the most used features, it is best to keep it enabled. However, if you do not want that, you can first save the connection as an RDP file and then change it later.

Apart from the clipboard and drives, you can also enable access to Ports, Smart cards, Video capture devices, and other Plug and Play devices.

I hope this post helps you copy-paste via the Remote Desktop [RDP] clipboard.

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