homeschoolers là gì - Nghĩa của từ homeschoolers

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

If you know someone with a matter-of-fact attitude who regularly makes awkward jokes/statements out of turn, exhibits hyper-White characteristics, or simply possesses a number less-than-desirable eccentricities, this is likely the agency to blame.


"I found out that Noah was homeschooled. Everything about him suddenly makes sense."

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

1. a form of schooling devised by parents who feel that somehow they can provide a better education to the kids than a trained teacher. 2. how parents of teenage celebrities get their kids out of school. 3. a clever way to keep your son/daughter a virgin until high school


examples: 1. Father: so are we sending jack to a private or public school?
Mother: well, i thought we'd homeschool him, that way we can make sure he never develops his own beliefs! 2. tv reporter [to the JoBroHos or Jonas Brothers]: so what school do you go to?
JoBroHos: well, we're homeschooled [all wink] 3. Dad: well, i thought about sending janie to a celibacy clinic, but i decided just to homeschool her..

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

Everybody is like: ''It sounds like so much fun! You can hang out at the mall with your friends all day long!''.
No. Being Homeschooled is FAR from fun. I've been Homeschooled since the second grade, and it is so depressing.
It's great for the first 3 months, and then reality hits. Basically, you oversleep every morning because what's the sense of waking up early unless you want to be stuck watching some Weather Channel. And then you do schoolwork for 1-3 hours. Then after that there's nothing left to do except sit on the couch and watch TV for HOURS. ON. END. And go on Urban Dictonary and Facebook and eat junk food. And eventually, you get so lonely that you go online and join every social network site possible, and then meet a bunch of online friends that you will never meet but you don't care because YOU WANT SOMEONE TO TALK TO! And that's basically your only social life. The computer. Social Network Sites. Online friends. And Cyber Bullying. What a life...
And if your a failure at school, your Mom spends 30 minutes screaming at you about how you should atchually pay attention to your work and do it better and then you end up getting grounded, leaving you back to watching endless hours of TV and eating. The ONLY way to get away from your parents and crazy family is to pretty much lock yourself in your bedroom or go for a walk.
So yeah, if you want to spend your teenage years depressed, lonely, lazy, and bored, I highly reccomend you DO NOT BECOME HOMESCHOOLED!


''Ha. Look at that suicidal girl, she must of been homeschooled''.

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

the leading producer of those anti-social kids who live with their moms and are level 20,000 world of warcraft players


dammit, i just got pwned on world of warcraft. FUCKIN homeschoolers

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

1.] To spend your time at home watching TV when you should actually be getting an education.

2.] A method of systematically ruining one's social skills.

3.] When a parent clones their closeminded beliefs/morals into their child without allowing their child to be exposed to opposing viewpoints and opinions. Ususally results in their child growing up to be Kent Hovind.


did you see that kid praying in a corner during Kyle's party? Yeah, he was totally homeschooled.

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

the worst thing ever that will have you depressed in your teenage years, locked up in your room and crying yourself asleep. i am homeschooled and now i see no point in waking up every day.


lucille: hey so how is school going?
me: pretty good. exept for the fact that i havent any friends, my mom yells at me all day and so does my dad, i am bored most of the time, i hate my life, i will never have decent social skills or a boyfriend or go to parties, i cannot go to school because my dad says it is a horrible slow paced world in there, i can never escape my mom ect...
lucille: well that sounds nice... thats what you get for being homeschooled.
me: i hate you sooo much right now.

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

Basically, all the stereotypes you've ever heard about these people are true. They don't know how to dress, are virgins, and usually wish they lived in an earlier era where women wore corsets and people had slaves. They often correct people's English and hate the government. You can tell someone is homeschooled because they are super defensive about it whether you have attacked them or not.


Homeschooler: [shouts to general public] "Not ALL homeschoolers are socially awkward!"
Normal person: "I didn't say anything! Who are you?"

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

There are two types. Either extremely happy and spazzy and thinks everyone is his friend, or quietly keeps to himself and thinks of everyone as below him.
generally speaking,
someone who lacks social skills, always has one or 5 too many buttons done up, has to ask a parent before using "the search engine", wears crew socks, is not vegetarian, has youtube blocked on his computer, and has never been with more than 1 kid his own age at once.


public schooler: haha did you hear/see that kid. He's probably a homeschooler

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

There are two different types. Ninja homeschoolers [I.E. People who don't have a say in the matter, and are forced against their will to be homechooled, and, if you don't know them, you can't tell if they are homechooled. They usually wear cool clothes, and have good social lives, and are pretty trendy. Then there are the scary [almost Mormon] homeschoolers. Who have NO social life until collage, wear khaki or bluejean skirts and nearly bellbottom jeans, and polos, and only care about their grade, and their only friends are their siblings. BY THE WAY!! IMMMA NINJA HOMECHOOLER SO SUCK IT


Person one: So, where do you go to school?
Ninja homeschooler: At my house!! It's freekin retarded! Person one: Hi! Stereotypical homeschooler: Um... Hi? Look I have to go work on my science project...

homeschoolers có nghĩa là

can be any of the following : A a super nerd.
B a person who in socially awkward
C a person who cant/wont go to school public for personal reasons* D a person who was never allowed to go to regular school and almost always ends up looking and acting like "L" from DEATH NOTE. And after the child is allowed to chose weather to go to public school or not, it is too late because the homeschooling has permanently alters his mind and even if he did go to a public school he knows he would probably snap E a person who thinks of others as inferior creatures and dislikes to associate with them, often the inventors of "the next big thing" warning! : homeschools are socialy unsure how to react to certain things, becareful what you say as they may misinturpret or over react.


setting : public school john : hi ex-homeschooler : dont talk to me. john : your wierd ex-home school-er : DONT INSULT ME! *breaks johns arm* the next day the ex home schooler is sent a to a mental institution to try to undo the effects of home schooling.

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