elyas là gì - Nghĩa của từ elyas

elyas có nghĩa là

meaning for a pretty cool person but is known to be a playa with the ladies. To some he is adorable to others he is hot but overall he is an awesome person. He is a total bro.


Guy: Hey whats wrong? Girl: my boyfriend just broke up with me. Guy: WHAT WHY? Girl: he thinks that im cheating on him. Guy: Aww dont worry he was a total douche bag if anyone decides to brake up with an awesome girl like you he isnt worth it. Girl: Aww thanks Elyas soo sweet. Guy: No problem wanna go out? Girl: Sure! Dude 1: ohh shit elyas is such a playa he took Toms girl. Dude 2: yeahh whatever he is a balla thats how he roles!

elyas có nghĩa là

Elyas is a very intelligent, funny, weird, hyper and lazy guy. He is known to be very good with the girls. Elyas will speak his mind about anything and doesn't care if he hurts feelings with his opinions, he's a straight-up savage. Elyas is extremely strong and can take anyone on a fight. He's friends with everyone and everyone loves him. But when he gets into science everyone is interested because of the way he explains it but people could get confused on the way. Elyas is just great, very handsome indeed.


Girl: Hey wasgood. Elyas: Hey how you doin? Girl: I love you marry me.

elyas có nghĩa là

It's like saying 'hell yeah' while intoxicated and/or faded or any sort of combination of the two.


My fat sack of rock's... elya i stuffed 'em.

elyas có nghĩa là

Elyas is a weird, lazy[or hyper it depends] and is really hard to understand when he talks in his sciencey way He always finds ways to entertain himself and always needs entertainment [like seriously if he is bored he will die so save him before it's too late] Likes playing on his PS4, relaxing, going out with frenz, eating pizza, undertale, anime, cooking [attempting], martial arts and piano Hates putting effort in things that won't kill him, hates conflict, hates people he hates,hates hurting otger peoples feelings [if they r frenz] and yh some things that he will never talk about There are other things that you will _never know_


Elyas is a noice Elyas is filled with DETERMINATION Oh, hey Elyas BUI IMMA BEAT YO ASS BITCH COME AT ME

elyas có nghĩa là

Elyas can be one of the smartest people you know. They will talk to and be social to everyone, even when he doesn't give two craps about them. Elyas can be one of the hottest guys around, and will always stick up for people. They are very honest and caring of others, no matter how they are feeling. Elyas might look simple minded, but I bet you that a million thoughts keep them awake at night.


Girl one- honey look at that hot guy over there! I sit next to him in class he is so smart!
Girl two- really? Well he must be an Elyas. Girl one- wow! How did you guess that!

elyas có nghĩa là

Is a very good looking, smart, fun, helpful and sometimes easy-going person. You can do a lot with elya, it never gets boring, she is a very loving person. She motivates her friends to do things that they enjoy. Overall a great person


Elya:Hey wanna do something?

elyas có nghĩa là

Elyas is a nice and intelligent boy who cares about others and always makes them laugh. Has a diverse personality which is a mix of funny, obnoxious, sweet and a straight up savage. He rarely fights but when he does he can kung fu anyone. He puts people first and protects weaker people. He's friends with everybody and he always sees light in people


Person: Can you help me with some work in the library Elyas: I'm down bro what do you need?

elyas có nghĩa là

-"Elyas " what are you thinking about? Why are you always fighting your own?
- Thinking about ... I don't know I'm thinking about everything , about world, war , life, girls ,people But he actually thinks only about two , himself , she Elyases, they lost some important pieces of their mind while traveling to earth and looking for them and fighting them selves till they Find them to complete them selves and they will be successful after completed by joining some one who has those pieces inside.
They have a difficult journey that most fall down before end , while they know they are strong enough but can't believe ,while some few people can see it but most don't , while they have the power but can't use They have a difficult and great journey to find pieces , and no one can stop them when they got the chance of joining supplement person and pieces .
They will wake up as those Napoleon bonaparte talked about " they're awakening seems like awakening of dragons " .
No one can love someone as an elyas can, because they fall in love with people by both heart and mind and invisible ropes pin their mind to you even if you don't know they will never give up when they love you and they will do everything to get you and to be with you they know the secret of real and never ending love because of their difficult journey to find love .


Oh look , elyas and his wife are coming I think they will never give up loving each other .

elyas có nghĩa là

Elya is the kind of person you would want around. Her constant sadness, weird life and failures will make you forget about your own problems. An Elya is the kind of person that spends around 4/5 of her time smoking, and the remaining 1/5 drinking while trying to forget about uni applications and high school deadlines. Although Elya will insult you almost every time she sees you around, after a few minutes her character will be more gentle and she will fall to your knees, being all nice!


F: hey Elya! Let's watch BoJack Horseman!
Elya: fuck off, bitch... F: Elya you look tired!
Elya: then STOP stealing my fucking coffee!

elyas có nghĩa là

A really pretty young girl who is smart and has lots of spiritual wisdom way more than her age. An old soul who is out of reach of any guy. Nobody is qualified and everyone should be intimidated. Stay away.


I was thinking about asking her out but realized she is an Elya and that is unrealistic. I will just go home

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