Easter school holidays 2023

Find out our planned school term dates, and look up any unplanned school closures.

School term and holiday dates

These are the dates for most state schools in Bristol, but academies and voluntary aided schools dates may be different so please check with them.

Other councils set their own dates, which could be different from ours.

The school year is 195 days altogether. Five of these days are used for staff training [inset days], so that means pupils go to school for 190 days a year. 

Each school chooses when their inset days take place. 

Unplanned closures

See the Bristol School Closures page for the latest updates on any schools that have had to close. 

2022 to 2023

  • Term 1: Thursday 1 September 2022 to Friday 21 October 2022
  • Term 2: Monday 31 October 2022 to Friday 16 December 2022 
  • Term 3: Tuesday 3 January 2023 to Friday 10 February 2023 
  • Term 4: Monday 20 February 2023 to Friday 31 March 2023
  • Term 5: Monday 17 April 2023 to Friday 26 May 2023 
  • Term 6: Monday 5 June 2023 to Friday 21 July 2023

You can pdf download our term planner 2022 to 2023 [75 KB].

2023 to 2024

  • Term 1: Friday 1 September 2023 to Friday 20 October 2023
  • Term 2: Monday 30 October 2023 to Friday 15 December 2023
  • Term 3: Tuesday 2 January 2024 to Friday 9 February 2024
  • Term 4: Monday 19 February 2024 to Thursday 28 March 2024
  • Term 5: Monday 15 April 2024 to Friday 24 May 2024 
  • Term 6: Monday 3 June 2024 to Tuesday 23 July 2024

pdf You can download our term planner 2023 to 2024 [69 KB].

default Add the school term dates for 2022 to 2023 and 2023 to 2024 to your calendar [1.24 MB].

Here are the key dates for NSW school students for 2023.  

Remember to check with your school regarding additional pupil-free days.  Private and independent school dates will vary.   

  Event Dates
Jan New Year's Day holiday  Jan 2
  Australia Day  Jan 26

Term 1 starts
[Eastern Division]

 Jan 27
Feb Term 1 starts
[Western Division]
 Feb 3

[Yr 3, 5, 7, 9]

Mar 15 - 27
Term 1 finishes  Apr 6
  Autumn holidays  Apr 10 - 21
  Easter weekend  Apr 7 - 10
  Term 2 starts  Apr 24
  ANZAC Day  Apr 25
Queen's Birthday  Jun 12
  Term 2 finishes  Jun 30
Jul Winter holidays   Jul 3-14
  Term 3 starts  Jul 17
Sept Term 3 finishes  Sep 22
  Spring holidays  Sep 25-Oct 6
Oct Labour day  Oct 2
  Term 4 starts  Oct 9
Dec Term 4 finishes  Dec 19
  Summer holidays  Dec 20-Jan 29
  Christmas day holiday  Dec 25
  Boxing day holiday  Dec 26

Check the dates of the rest of Australia's States and Territories here.

What are the UK school holidays for 2023?

You can find bank holidays dates on GOV.UK. ... Academic year 2022 to 2023..

What are Easter dates for 2023?

For example, in 2023, the vernal equinox is on 20th March and the following full moon is on 6th April. Therefore, Easter is on the 9th. I'll repeat for emphasis, so you don't forget: Easter Sunday is on 9th April 2023!

What dates are Easter holidays 2023 UK?

Term time: Monday 20 February to Friday 31 March 2023. Easter holiday: Monday 3 April to Friday 14 April 2023.

What are the school holidays in Wales 2023?

School term dates.
Starts: Monday 5 September 2022. Half term: Monday 31 October 2022 to Friday 4 November 2022. Ends: Friday 23 December 2022. ... .
Starts: Monday 9 January 2023​ Half term: Monday 20 February 2023 to Friday 24 February 2023. ... .
Starts: Monday 17 April 2023. Half term: Monday 29 May 2023 to Friday 2 June 2023..

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