Does Windows Firewall block remote desktop?

Remote Desktop: Connect to Another Computer [Windows 7]

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[Return to Remote Desktop Connection: LSU Overview]

NOTE: In order to connect to an on-campus computer, you must first log into the LSU VPN. For more information see VPN: LSU Overview

Step 1 - Onthe Computer That You Plan ToCONNECT TO:

These steps allow for Remote Access to a specific Windows 7Computer. This is typically yourOffice Computer, however it could also be a server or other departmental resource.

1. Open the Control Panel: Start | Control Panel.

2. Click System and Security.

3. Click Allow Remote Access.

4. Under the Remote Tab:

  • Select "Allow Remote Assistance connections tothis computer".

  • Select "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication [more secure]".

5. Click Select Users.

  • ClickAdd.

  • Enter yourmyLSU ID and click OK when finished.

6. Under the Computer Name Tab: Make a note of the[Full Computer Name].

Step 2 -- RemotelyConnecttoAnother Computer

1. Click Start and search forRemote Desktop Connection.

2. Enter the Full Computer Name you noted in Step 6, and click Connect. You may need to enter a username and password depending on the access credentials that are required by the other user or the other computer.

3. To Disconnect: Click Start |Log Off. This will log you out of the remote computer.

Note: If you have problems connecting to the remote computer, double-check the full computer name. If this is correct, you might need to change your firewall connection. To do this, open the Control Panel and select Windows Firewall. Make sure that under General, the box that reads "Don't allow exceptions" is not checked, and that under Exceptions, Remote Desktop is selected.

Configure the Firewall Settings

If the Firewall is Enabled, it needs to have Remote Desktop Exception Enabled.

1. Click Start | Control Panel.

2. Click on System and Security.

3. Click on Windows Firewall.

4. Click Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall.

5. Scroll through the list of programs and features until you find Remote Desktop.CHECK the box markedRemote Desktop and both boxes to the left field.

6. Click OK.

Article ID: 17028
Last Updated: 9/14/2021 11:40:47 AM

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