Come back down to earth là gì

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishcome back/down to earth [with a bump]come back/down to earth [with a bump]REAL/NOT IMAGINARYto stop behaving or living in a way that is not practical  She soon brought him back down to earth. earthExamples from the Corpuscome back/down to earth [with a bump]Adai can come back to Earth after Gog is dead - after I am dead, perhaps.They recently have come down to Earth.Maybe, but the once pricey products that use this satellite technology have come down to earth.Peter Lilley came down to earth.In Karuzi you quickly come down to earth.AIr travellers came down to earth with a bump yesterday when they joined in some charity aerobics.

come back to earth Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

come back to earth|come|come down to earth|earth

v. phr. To return to the real world; stop imagining or dreaming; think and behave as usual. After Jane met the movie star it was hard for her to come back to earth. Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and to do his homework.

come back [down] to earth

To regain a realistic view of or attitude about something. Those newlyweds think that marriage is utterly blissful, but they'll come back to earth soon enough.Learn more: back, come, earth

come back [down] to earth [or bring someone back [down] to earth]

return or make someone return suddenly to reality after a period of daydreaming or euphoria. 2003 Guardian When you start to believe you're in with a shout, the big boys have a nasty habit of bringing you down to earth with a bump. Learn more: back, come, earth
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Tôi đang cần down lại!

Tôi không bao giờ muốn xuống lại.

And I never want to come back down.

Tôi không bao giờ muốn xuống lại.

Tôi không muốn quay lại quả đất.

But when this earth begins to come back….

To come back to earth you need to say:.

Quay về đất mẹ nên lời:.

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