classical là gì - Nghĩa của từ classical

classical có nghĩa là

The pinnacle of music, which embodies all the musical theory that has been forgotten in today's music.


classical có nghĩa là

1. Classical music is a type of music that goes from the 1500s [Thomas Tallis] to the 1900s [John Rutter]. It includes the Rennaisance Period, the Baroque Period, the Classical Period, the Romantic Period, and the Modern Period.
2. No one seems to understand the difference between the classical PERIOD and classical MUSIC! Music that includes an orchestra, a choral, solo instruments, or opera is CLASSICAL music, it's just no necessarily the classical PERIOD of music!


Don't listen to any of the fucked up definitions that state that the Classical Period is all classical music and that the Romantic Period is considered romantic music. It's all classical!

classical có nghĩa là

The most technically demanding genre of music in the world. Classical music focuses primarily on perfection. For listeners willing to look past cliche lyrics and generic beats found in about 80% of the music on MTV or the radio today.


The user complaining about how "Classical is boring. When is the last time you saw classical music on MTV or at no.1 in the charts?" is obviously being sarcasic. Because if he/she is not, then they are misguided. Just because it's popular and people are willing to throw away their money for it, doesn't make it good. Let's make a few comparisons between rap and classical, since thats where this debate is originating from:

1. Classical music has withstood the test of time. Rap has only originated in the past 20 years, and already many people don't know 70%+ rap bands around before todays "artists" [this appears to be the case with you, too]. Classical has been around for hundreds of years, and you can still go to your local music store and pick up a classical based album.

2. In your point "Emotional music comes from the heart, not from fucking black dots written on a paper with lines.", don't you think that the people who put those same black dots you're complaining about on that paper where "coming from the heart"? when they wrote it?

3. If you had any knowledge of music or music theory, you would know that the artists you meantioned all use beats that a four year old uses to play "music". Rhyming and bitching are not hard to do, using complex harmonization, sequencing, and phrasing is.

4. You're a moron, joke or not. You don't know how to use proper grammer, puntuation, or paragraphs for that matter. You also talk like a pre-pubesent 12 year old desperatly trying to "fit in with the scene" in your town or neighborhood.

classical có nghĩa là

A style of music only some people can appreciate. Not many pre-teens and teenagers my age like it [I think that's because they want to be "cool"]. I like classical, and rock. They're broad, but they're both pretty cool. Classical's always going to be "classic." Maybe in like 20 years, rock'll go out of fashion. Maybe I'll still like rock then, but I don't think it'll be that big. Classic examples of composers around the classical period are Mozart, Beethoven, and a lot others, check them out at your local music store.....classical can be wild and loud and sometimes it can be soft and calm. Don't think that listening to one classical piece will determine what the whole genre is like.


I, myself, have liked classical for a while. My graphics site is, I have ClassicalFonts, my screen names have to do with classical.....but that's all another thing.

classical có nghĩa là

Apidemy of well made music; Opposite of corporate, thrown together, modern sales pop-music; Fine Art for the ears.


"Classical; Classic; Classic great music."

classical có nghĩa là

A music genre that has lasted for more than 400 years, and rap is starting to die out after about 20.


Dumbass: Yo, u like Soulja Boy or 50 cent?
Me: Beethoven could kick their asses while playing the piano, blindfolded.

Classical is greater than rap, period.

classical có nghĩa là

Classical music is the height of music. It embodies the emotion of the creator and the listener. The genre varies from lighthearted frilly tunes to dark tunes.
As the Real Gangsta should probably realize, today's music is no match for classical music, seeing as how today's music contains no real emotion whatsoever and is mostly negative [against the establishment and so forth]. Classical music varies in range and is still considered the greatest type of music created.


Classical music rules all the noise existing today.

classical có nghĩa là

1] A period of music ranging from the middle 1700s to the early 1800s. Famous classical composers include Beethoven, Mozart, and Haydn.

2] A bastardization of all "traditional" types of music [orchestral, choral, etc.]. Derived from the classical period. Other periods include prehistoric, medieval, renaissance, baroque, romantic, 20th century, and 21st century.

3] The true pinnacle of music in which true musicianship, expressiveness, technique, and skill are essential elements in its performance. To truly listen to classical music one must be able to listen to it on entirely different levels of thinking.


The only classical music that most people have listened to is the ambient, therapeutically-designed background music at Barnes & Noble.

classical có nghĩa là

"this music still moves people today een if its 200 yrs old" it can still move retarded idiots who dont understand music and ddint evolve their musical taste high iq ppl listen only to electronic "thre is no word to describe beethoven" i can describe this as shit coz ur too retarded to know that shithoven is the def of shit "plants listen rather to ludwig van bitchhoven" plants listen to classic shit music coz they dont have brains and have low intelligence who likes old pussy classic music has no brain to understand real music electronic is too complicated for plants, monotone emotionless violine or piano sound keeps them in the extasy


mozart: yo biatchhoven dont copy my classical shit, u dumb shit! biatchhoven: but i cant hear anything, i will suck ur cock if u will give me sonata mozart: u won bitchhoven, now suck it bitch

classical có nghĩa là

NEO-CLASSICAL: It's new age classical music.

Jason Becker is the shit man!!!!

He's the best fucking classical guitarist today.


"24 Capricci Per Violino Solo and Speed Metal Symphony are fucking awesome."

"Yeah, Becker is the most awesome classical metal guitarist I've heard."

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