Charmed reboot review holly marie combs

Members of the original Charmed cast have been in a social media war of words with the reboot's star, Sarah Jeffery.

On Monday, Jeffery reacted to a video that showed Charmed actress Rose McGowan saying the new CW show "sucks."

The 24-year-old, who plays Maggie Vera, called out McGowan and Combs for "putting down other WOC," adding, "I would be embarrassed to behave this way."

Combs shot back on Tuesday and said Jeffery was spewing "bulls--t." The 46-year-old actress, who played Piper Halliwell from 1998 to 2006, wrote on Twitter that making "derogatory accusations of a person's character ... because of a difference in opinions about a tv show is just plain wrong."

McGowan too couldn't stay out of the drama, accusing the new team of "profiting" off of her "legacy."

But let's just say the spell has been broken. Combs has had enough, and tried to end the fight on Thursday.

She addressed a Twitter thread to "My Charmed friends," saying, "I would like everyone to stop. Truth be told and it will be told is that our issues were and are at the corporate level. And we have the receipts."

Combs said the O.G. actresses "were given ultimatums that were crazily unfair," and compared their situations to those of the new cast members, who apparently "were asked to be people they were not."

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In the end, she tried to foster goodwill between both sets of stars, new and old. "And I will say to the ladies of the reboot... stick together... negotiate together and know that the discourse between us, you guys and crews being discarded and replaced is what they bank on. Division. That is all. Blessed be," Combs tweeted.

About an hour later, Combs followed up with another tweet to reiterate that she knows people need to take jobs to support their families, but "it's not about" that. She wrote, "It's about an industry that sees us only as numbers whether it be follower #'s or $ signs. Cuz in the end and actually in the beginning that's all we were/are. Cool."

All Jeffery has had to say since is that she feels anxious.

The truce came after McGowan explained her side of things on Wednesday. The

MeToo activist turned to her Instagram Story to say she "honestly had no idea" who Jeffery was until the social media feud. McGowan, who played Paige Matthews in the 2000s, claimed that she's "been too busy fighting monsters & fighting for a massive Cultural Reset to notice who's in the reboot." Oof.

The WB/James White

She added, "Absolutely nothing to do with race, that's quite a stretch you took. ... I'm beyond glad any WOC has a well paying job. Hell yes to that. I'm sure you are a great actress."

McGowan went on to say that her "quibble" was with the executives and producers, who have "little to no imagination" and are ripping off her work in a "cynical" and "obvious way." She condemned it as "a money grab to cash in on the Charmed name."

It's clear the 47-year-old won't be watching the sisterhood series, even though it was renewed for a third season this year. "I do not nor will I watch a show I disagree with on principle," McGowan wrote.

Sarah Jeffery, Melonie Diaz, and Madeleine Mantock step into play roles previously held by Holly Marie Combs, Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty

Holly Marie Combs, who played the beloved time-freezing witch, Piper Halliwell, on Charmed from 1998 to 2006, has doubled down on her thoughts regarding the upcoming CW reboot.

The actress, 44, slammed the reprisal on Twitter Tuesday in response to a Yahoo article that seemingly misrepresented her comments on the forthcoming series.

“Let me say first that I appreciate the jobs and opportunities the Charmed reboot has created. But I will never understand what is fierce, funny, or feminist in creating a show that basically says the original actresses are too old to do a job they did 12 years ago,” Combs said.

“I hope the new show is far better than the marketing so the true legacy does remain,” she continued.

Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic; Jordon Nuttall/The CW

Actresses Sarah Jeffery, Melonie Diaz, and Madeleine Mantock step into the roles of sisters with powerful demon-fighting abilities that were previously held by Combs, Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty. Rose McGowan joined the cast after Doherty’s character was killed off in the season 3 finale.

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“Reboots fair better when they honor the original as opposed to taking shots at the original,” Combs continued in her lengthy statement on Twitter. “Reboots also do better when they listen to a still passionate fan base which is what it’s all about, isn’t it? That’s why we do reboots. The fans are why we all get to do what we do. So we wish them well and hope for success.”

CW described the new Charmed as a “fierce, funny, feminist” series about witches “tearing down the patriarchy” — themes the beloved original explored a decade ago.

This isn’t the first time Combs has expressed her thoughts on the Charmed reboot.


“Guess we forgot to do that the first go around. Hmph,” Combs tweeted in January.

“Here’s the thing. Until you ask us to rewrite it like [showrunner] Brad Kern did weekly don’t even think of capitalizing on our hard work. Charmed belongs to the 4 of us, our vast amount of writers, crews and predominantly the fans. FYI you will not fool them by owning a title/stamp. So bye.”

Doherty also spoke out against the reboot in January, calling CW’s announcement a “terribly” worded and “offensive” description of the reboot.

“I’m intrigued by the idea that a new generation might be comforted, inspired like all you were. Charmed helped us all in some way,” she said.

Are Holly Combs and Shannen Doherty still friends?

Combs said in a 2020 interview that despite years of friendship, she and Doherty were no longer in touch after becoming "too close."

Why does it say Holly Marie Combs as Piper?

In the title intros for "Charmed," Holly Marie Combs is labeled "as Piper" because she was the first sister to be cast, and her character, Piper Halliwell, was central to the show's storyline.

What did the original cast of Charmed think of the reboot?

Kheel's comments echo the original series' stars' remarks against the reboot, which included railing against the show's marketing as "fierce, funny, and feminist" with Combs accusing the new show of "capitalizing on our hard work." Rose McGowan, without having ever seen the new series, declared that "it sucks."

Why did the new Charmed fail?

This may have been due to the series' overt reliance on Charmed's original premise, making comparisons between the two inevitable. In this case, a Charmed reimagining set in an entirely different period may have been just what the franchise needed to find a new audience and pique the interest of loyal fans.

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