Change link preview image Facebook

How to change the Facebook link preview photo that shows up from your Squarespace website

Feb 18

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HERES THe video tutorial!


  • Build a site that sells 101

  • Facebook Link Debugger

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HEres those steps written down

So you finally got up the nerve to hit publish on your brand new business website and youre feeling super giddy as you bust open Facebook and type out the perfect post announcing it to the world.

You cant help but do a little happy dance as you copy and paste the link to your dreamy new domain.

But then you see it...your gorgeous custom logo

Only its been stretched and distorted beyond recognition in Facebooks attempt to show users a preview of what to expect when they click on your link. ‍️

Youve spent months pouring over your website making sure every little detail looks just right, so theres no way you are letting THAT be the first thing potential clients and customers see.

So how do you fix it??

How to change the Facebook link preview photo for your Squarespace site

Step 1

Upload your custom website preview image in Squarespace

These steps look a tiny bit different depending on which version of Squarespace you are using to build your site.

How to upload a custom Facebook link preview image in Squarespace 7.0

From your home panel, you will head to design > logo & title.

And scroll down to social sharing logo and upload your fancy new photo.

Pro tip: Its best to make this horizontal, since that is how the preview will automatically be cropped when displayed on Facebook and other applications!

Facebook recommends a size of 1200 x 628 pixels.

The image you are uploading here will be what people see not just when your link is shared in Facebook, but also in any other applications that automatically generate a preview, or even when sending a text message or private message including your link.

It is possible to customize this photo for every page you build [which Ill show you in just a minute], and collection items like blog posts, portfolios, products, and events will automatically display the thumbnail you uploaded for that collection item

But for most pages, the image you upload here is what people will see.

How to upload a custom Facebook link preview image in Squarespace 7.1

To find this same setting in Squarespace 7.1, just head to design > social sharing.

Squarespace did away with the logo & title panel since in the new version, all of that is updated by clicking edit on the site header from any page.

Step 2

Scrape your websites Facebook link

Sounds super techy, I know...but I promise its really easy!

But first the why behind this step:

Facebook has a bug where it doesn't automatically pull the most recent info from your site [say, your new custom link preview image you just uploaded].

Don't worry though, it's easy to force Facebook to pull [A.K.A scrape] the new info.

Head to the 'Facebook Link Debugger'.

Enter the link to your site, click the 'scrape' button a few times.

Keep clicking it until your new preview image you just uploaded appears in the preview area.

And presto! Now your website link is looking on point and ready to make its debut!

Wondering how to customize which photo appears when you share the link to a specific page on your site?

How to upload custom link preview images to individual pages in Squarespace

So first, youll want to open up the settings of the page you want to swap out the default social sharing image for

So just head to pages and click on the pages gear icon to open up its settings.

Then, head under the Social Sharing tab and upload it there.

This step is the same for regular pages and collection pages in both Squarespace 7.1 and 7.0.

And you can even do this for individual collection items by opening up each items settings!

[Say, if you had a blog post that youd prefer it displayed something other than its blog post thumbnail image when a link to that post is shared.]

One exception is your shop products.

When using the new product editor, rather than the classic product editor in either version of Squarespace, if you want something other than your products thumbnail to be displayed as your link preview, then you will need to scroll down to social image and click edit to swap it out.

So there you have it!

Now you can confidently shout out about your business, knowing your social sharing images are actually a true reflection of your business!

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February 2021
Paige Brunton

Paige Brunton is a Squarespace expert, website designer and online educator. Through her blog and Squarespace courses, Paige has helped over half a million creative entrepreneurs design and build custom Squarespace sites that attract & convert their ideal clients & customers 24/7. She also teaches aspiring designers how to take their new Squarespace skills and turn them into a successful, fully-booked out web design business that supports a life they love!


How to change the Facebook link preview photo that shows up from your Squarespace website

Feb 18

Prefer to watch?

HERES THe video tutorial!


  • Build a site that sells 101

  • Facebook Link Debugger

Rather read all about it?

HEres those steps written down

So you finally got up the nerve to hit publish on your brand new business website and youre feeling super giddy as you bust open Facebook and type out the perfect post announcing it to the world.

You cant help but do a little happy dance as you copy and paste the link to your dreamy new domain.

But then you see it...your gorgeous custom logo

Only its been stretched and distorted beyond recognition in Facebooks attempt to show users a preview of what to expect when they click on your link. ‍️

Youve spent months pouring over your website making sure every little detail looks just right, so theres no way you are letting THAT be the first thing potential clients and customers see.

So how do you fix it??

How to change the Facebook link preview photo for your Squarespace site

Step 1

Upload your custom website preview image in Squarespace

These steps look a tiny bit different depending on which version of Squarespace you are using to build your site.

How to upload a custom Facebook link preview image in Squarespace 7.0

From your home panel, you will head to design > logo & title.

And scroll down to social sharing logo and upload your fancy new photo.

Pro tip: Its best to make this horizontal, since that is how the preview will automatically be cropped when displayed on Facebook and other applications!

Facebook recommends a size of 1200 x 628 pixels.

The image you are uploading here will be what people see not just when your link is shared in Facebook, but also in any other applications that automatically generate a preview, or even when sending a text message or private message including your link.

It is possible to customize this photo for every page you build [which Ill show you in just a minute], and collection items like blog posts, portfolios, products, and events will automatically display the thumbnail you uploaded for that collection item

But for most pages, the image you upload here is what people will see.

How to upload a custom Facebook link preview image in Squarespace 7.1

To find this same setting in Squarespace 7.1, just head to design > social sharing.

Squarespace did away with the logo & title panel since in the new version, all of that is updated by clicking edit on the site header from any page.

Step 2

Scrape your websites Facebook link

Sounds super techy, I know...but I promise its really easy!

But first the why behind this step:

Facebook has a bug where it doesn't automatically pull the most recent info from your site [say, your new custom link preview image you just uploaded].

Don't worry though, it's easy to force Facebook to pull [A.K.A scrape] the new info.

Head to the 'Facebook Link Debugger'.

Enter the link to your site, click the 'scrape' button a few times.

Keep clicking it until your new preview image you just uploaded appears in the preview area.

And presto! Now your website link is looking on point and ready to make its debut!

Wondering how to customize which photo appears when you share the link to a specific page on your site?

How to upload custom link preview images to individual pages in Squarespace

So first, youll want to open up the settings of the page you want to swap out the default social sharing image for

So just head to pages and click on the pages gear icon to open up its settings.

Then, head under the Social Sharing tab and upload it there.

This step is the same for regular pages and collection pages in both Squarespace 7.1 and 7.0.

And you can even do this for individual collection items by opening up each items settings!

[Say, if you had a blog post that youd prefer it displayed something other than its blog post thumbnail image when a link to that post is shared.]

One exception is your shop products.

When using the new product editor, rather than the classic product editor in either version of Squarespace, if you want something other than your products thumbnail to be displayed as your link preview, then you will need to scroll down to social image and click edit to swap it out.

So there you have it!

Now you can confidently shout out about your business, knowing your social sharing images are actually a true reflection of your business!

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  • 50 example Squarespace websites built by Square Secrets course students

  • Squarespace template comparison chart for 7.0 and 7.1 [updated!]

  • How to use Squarespace tags and categories to organize your site

  • How to make sure your Squarespace website is set up to convert

  • Squarespace image sizes: Tips & tricks to know when designing your website

  • 9 reasons people are bailing on your site before they buy or book!

February 2021
Paige Brunton

Paige Brunton is a Squarespace expert, website designer and online educator. Through her blog and Squarespace courses, Paige has helped over half a million creative entrepreneurs design and build custom Squarespace sites that attract & convert their ideal clients & customers 24/7. She also teaches aspiring designers how to take their new Squarespace skills and turn them into a successful, fully-booked out web design business that supports a life they love!


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