brostep là gì - Nghĩa của từ brostep

brostep có nghĩa là

Brostep is a relatively new sub-genre of music [born out of Dubstep micro-genre] which has no emphasis on soul. The goal appears to be to produce music as fast as you possibly can, without placing any emphasis on quality. Unlike Dubstep where sub bass is key, Brostep places more emphasis on ratty high frequency samples and oscillators that arent even low frequency. Toss in a few hip hop vocal samples and you are well on your way to being the worlds next big Brostep producer.


Brostepper - Man, I cant wait to see Rusko & 6blocc. Dubstepper - Man, I cant wait to see Mala & Kode 9.

brostep có nghĩa là

Brostep is a relatively new sub-genre of music [born out of Dubstep] with an emphasis on a mid-range bass sound with mutating LFO speed.
Dubstep "purists", while not happy, only have themselves to blame as they should have realized that the most accesable elements of any genre will always end up being at the center of a new subgenre.
Unforunately these people do not seem to realize that it would be in traditional dubstep's best interest for there to be as many people making poor facsimiles of the "dubstep" genre as there are the "brostep" genre as it would be an indicator that people are actually still interested in the style to which they dedicate their future hearing loss.


"Wow, this club got a lot more fun when that brostep DJ took over. All the frowning guys in black turltenecks went to go get another mojito and the dance floor got filled with hot girls"

brostep có nghĩa là

new kids are destroying thedub scene with fun records you can actually dance, they better all get off my lawn.


Yo, do you hear that brostep coming from those chav's car? we better move on to DNB....

brostep có nghĩa là

Brostep is a newer sub-genre of dubstep. It is usually more aggresive and louder than traditional dubstep. Most Americanized dubstep is considered brostep. For example Skrillex is considered brostep. Most dubstep fans hate brostep


Americanized - brostep
UK - Dubstep

brostep có nghĩa là

Brostep is the horrible trend that almost destroyed the beautiful sounds that were once called "dubstep." Dubstep was once a wonderful, unique sound. Eventually, everyone and their brother [even the best DJs we once looked up to], decided to RUIN dubstep by turning it into the most trendy music ever. Brostep is played in venues where boys are often seen to and enjoy dancing with each other.... shirtless. Brosteppers [those who engage in Brostep], do not know anything about the EDM scene, are unable to name a single DJ, are armed with an arsenal of glowsticks, and will listen to whatever horrible promoter tells them to follow. Brostep is also referred to as "scrubstep."


I hear there's a lot of BroStep goin on at this parking lot massive. Man, Borgore makes me want to Brostep all night long! I hope I catch one of the dildos he throws out in the crowd. No wait, I want a sheep!

brostep có nghĩa là

A petty excuse to not like dubstep artists such as Rusko, Datsik, Dotor P, and Flux Pavillion. Because they push the envelope.


Hater: Man I just dont like Rusko he's so......Brostep Actual Dubstep Fan: FUCK. YOU.

brostep có nghĩa là

a supposed sub category of dubstep created by old-school dubstep artists to refer negatively to newer artists. specifically referring to their supposed lack of production value and their more aggressive sound models. this term, like many musical sub-classifications is a differentiation of semantics.


Brostepper - Man, I cant wait to see Rusko & 6blocc.
Dubstepper - Man, I cant wait to see Mala & Kode 9."
Average Person - man, i love skrillex's new dubstep track.

brostep có nghĩa là

what the hipsters of EDM think that some dubstep should be just because it isnt done to the exact detail of the dubstep standards. this group of idiots think they are better than everyone and they know it all. brostep in reality doesn't exist. sadly these idiots do though


"brostep doesnt follow the tempo of dubstep"

brostep có nghĩa là

Brostep is a dance step which is a modified version of the Pogo where you jump up and down in place. This dance is commonly found in dub-step venues. The brostep is typically limited to very drunk fraternity boys with no rhythm who jump up and down on the dance floor while fist pumping or flailing their arms. Salient points of the brostep are:
1. You are very drunk or on drugs
2. You have a drink in one hand you spill on everyone around you
3. Your flailing arms knock the drinks out of bystanders hands and spill it all over them
4. You land on bystander's toes 5. Repeat these steps as you push you way onto an already crowded dance floor
6. Dancing in a circle with your other brosteppers is optional.
7. Yell things like "Fuck yeah" "Yeah Bro" "Doood" and "I'm so fucked up"


"Stay away from those brosteppers up by the DJ booth"

brostep có nghĩa là

A term that has been coined by "purist" dubstep fans to distinguish their preferred genre of music from anything mainstream. Like many hipster-based opinions, the only real classification that can be made to differentiate brostep from dubstep is that brostep is more popular. The two forms of music both focus on sweeps through very low frequencies of bass and what many like to call "wub" or "womp". Or to the rest of us "What the hell is that noise? How is it at all enjoyable? You can't even dance to it!"


A remix of Cinema that was recorded by Skrillex is said to be "Brostep", but only because it thrust the genre into popularity after being used by the WWE and receiving a grammy.

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