bernie bro là gì - Nghĩa của từ bernie bro

bernie bro có nghĩa là

An insufferable, self-righteous, left wing activist, who refers to everyone who doesn't share his narrow political views [a.k.a. anyone who doesn't feel the Bern] as a corporate puppet/media whore.


- How dare you question Bernie's electoral program, you Wallstreet boot licking corporate whore!!!!!
- Dude, chill the fuck out. You're becoming such a Bernie Bro.
Sjw Bernie sanders politics

bernie bro có nghĩa là

A colloquial term used to describe volatile, unstable, angry Bernie Sanders supporters. These supporters tend to unleash attacks on facts as being from "the establishment" and proceed to fight back with red herrings. The most annoying people you will come across online, as they typically dominate r/politics with barrages of down votes if you undermine their God. Note: Contrary to what their screaming supporters claim, this term is gender neutral. Any Bernie supporter can be a Bernie Bro.


Wtf mate?!? I just commented on a CNN story and I was attacked by a Bernie Bro. She kept arguing with me about delegates and superdelegates, even though the story was about tax inversions. She is clearly unstable!

bernie bro có nghĩa là

A derogatory term coined by the Clinton machine to generalize Bernie supporters as sexist, white young men. The idea was to get Clinton elected simply because she was a female. In reality, 58% of women and 55% of men approve of Sanders, according to a Harvard poll. Sanders supporters overwhelmingly support Elizabeth Warren - who is also female. Then again, facts meant nothing back in 2016.


- Babe, Bernie's plans are gonna be dope! Infrastructure, education and free healthcare is gonna grow the economy like it did in the FDR days and his none-intervention foreign policy ends decades of American Imperialis... - OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU A BERNIE BRO?!?! that supposed to be a bad thing? Like I was saying...the economy and foreign policy... - YOU'RE FUCKING SEXIST ¯\[°_o]/¯

bernie bro có nghĩa là

A bernie bro is middle class [or upper-middle class], educated, white, male, and millennial [likely in college]. He aggressively defends the Bernie way of life and is definitely not sexist, because he would vote for Elizabeth Warren, just not Hillary Clinton. It's not a sexist thing, cause Elizabeth Warren has morals. And Hillary is a witch. Not that a witch has to be a woman. It just so happens that in this case, the witch in question identifies as female. #feelthebern


That barista using organic coffee beans from his rooftop garden in Manhattan listening to Fleet Foxes is such a Bernie Bro.

bernie bro có nghĩa là

A derogatory term coined by the Clinton machine to generalize Bernie supporters as sexist, white young men. The idea was to get Clinton elected simply because she was a female. In reality, 58% of women and 55% of men approve of Sanders, according to a Harvard poll. Sanders supporters overwhelmingly support Elizabeth Warren - who is also female. Then again, facts meant nothing back in 2016.


- Babe Bernie's plans are gonna be dope! Infrastructure, education and free healthcare is gonna grow the economy and his none-intervention foreign policy ends decades of American Imperialis... - OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU A BERNIE BRO?!?! that supposed to be a bad thing? Like I was saying...the economy and foreign policy... - YOU'RE FUCKING SEXIST ¯\[°_o]/¯

bernie bro có nghĩa là

One salty MF who has a collection of participation trophies on his shelf and late into his adult years still expects his parents to still pay the restaurant check. Someone who talks a whole lot online but takes no action where it counts. This person like the idea of free because why not and they have some soft name like Chad, Brad, Blake, or Hugh These people generally suck at sport and cry easily. They never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Go home Bernie Bro, it’s over. Take the L

bernie bro có nghĩa là

Any hardcore supporter of Bernie Sanders, willing to do anything for their little Jewish mascot. They feel the Bern everyday because it's what keeps them going.


"Hey did you hear about what the Bernie bros did last week? They trolled every Hillary Clinton supporter on all the social media." Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton jewish president

bernie bro có nghĩa là

Like Batboy or a chupacabra, a mythical woman-hating, chair-throwing, election stealing progressive who dares question the mythical sanctity of St Hillary of Wall Street's [SHoWS] status of perfect Democrat electioneering skillz. A method used by hysterical butthurt corporate Democrats to blame fellow progressive Democrats for SHoWS bad choices, ignorance and inability to win elections despite the largest election warchest of any candidate in history


I hate Bernie Bros for putting Trump in Office by not voting for Hillary. Hillary didn't lose to Trump because she never set foot in Wisconsin and didn't believe polls from Michigan or Pennsylvania...she lost because of the Bernie Bros!

bernie bro có nghĩa là

A term previously used to smear Bernie Sander’s campaign in 2016 based on a fictional premise that Sander’s supporters hated women. The false premise was perpetuated by associating misogynistic movements from some of Trump’s supporters as Bernie Supporters. More recently it is used to describe a Bernie Sanders supporter that believes in doing morally positive things that progress society.


Those Bernie Bros just Stood up to that systemically oppressed man over there, I wish more people would put their money where their mouth is like they do!

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