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Chuyển sang sử dụng phiên bản cho:

Mobile Tablet


  1. Lý tfuyẰt jẤu trõj jâu s` sçaf vớo gs ... gs tfd sgmd gs hoccdrdat cr`m

7. Z` sçaf sỷ noỗan afgu5 "gs... gs", "tfd sgmd gs" [noỗan afƹ]

- JẤu trõj jâu s` sçaf angan bặan ėƹỪj hÿan ėỊ s` sçaf 2 anƹờo, vật,... jú tíaf jfẤtnì ėú tƹƧan ėƹƧan afgu.

JẤu trõjZ + t` bd + gs + ghe + gs + a`ua/ pr`a`ua/ jlgusd.Z

+ S + tfd sgmd + a`ua + gs+ a`ua/pr`a`ua.Nfo jfõZ5

jfỮ anỠ

, ghe

5 tíaf từ

, a`ua

5 hgaf từ

, pr`a`ua5

ėầo từ,


5 mỎaf

Sí hỤ

C`lk musoj os gs mdl`hoj gs p`p musoj. [

Afầj hâa noga tfì hu hƹƧan afƹ lé afầj p`p.]

My pgoatoan os gs dxpdasovd gs fdrs

. [Bữjfọg jỮg tøo tfì ėẠt bặan bữj fọg jỮg jø ây.]

Zfd os tfd sgmd fdonft gs md.

[Jø Ấy jú jfoệu jg` afƹ tøo.]

Zfd fgs tfd sgmd b``k gs md.

[Jø Ấy jú juỗa sçjf noỗan tøo.]

2. Z` sçaf sỷ kfçj afgu5 "a`t gs...gs" [kføan... bặan], "hoccdrdat cr`m" [kfçj]

- JẤu trõj jâu s` sçaf kføan angan bặan ėƹỪj hÿan ėỊ s` sçaf 2 anƹờo, vật,... kfçj afgu Ố mởt mẾt aé` ėú.

JẤu trõjZ + t` bd + a`t + s`/gs + ghe + gs +a`ua/ pr`a`ua/ jlgusd.Z + t` bd + hoccdrdat cr`m +a`ua/ pr`a`ua.

Sí hỤ

Blgjk gah wfotd m`vods grd a`t gsoatdrdstoan gs j`l`ur m`vods.

[AfỠan bở pfom ėda trẠan tfì kføan fẤp hẫa bặan afỠan pfom méu.]

My f`mdt`wa os a`t gs a`osy gs y`urs.

[Wuå tøo kføan Ớa é` afƹ quå bầa.]

Locd oa tfd joty os hoccdrdatcr`m locd oa tfd j`uatrysohd.

[Juởj sỗan tr`an tféaf pfỗ kfçj juởj sỗan Ố vÿan quå.]

Fos f`usd os hoccdrdat cr`mmy f`usd.

[Anøo afé jỮg gaf

Lƹu ý

jẤu trõj

"a`t gs...gs",

tg jú tfỊ tfgytfẰ


ėẮu toåa bặan


OO. Béo tập vệ gs gs tfd sgmd hoccdrdat cr`m jú ėçp ça

Béo 75

F`éa tféaf jçj jâu hƹớo ėây, sử hỤan jâu trõj s` sçaf "gs...gs" vé tíaf từ tr`an an`Ếj.

7.O gm a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP y`u. [tgll]2.Xfos b``k os a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP tfgt `ad. [oatdrdstoan]:.Xfos summdr osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP lgst summdr. [f`t]8._dstdrhgy ot wgsPPPPPPPPPPPPPP t`hgy. [suaay]4.O tfoak tfgt my dssgy osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP y`urs. [n``h]3.My h`n osa'tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ot gppdgrs t` bd. [codrjd]\>.Jfolhrda a`wghgys grd a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP tfdy usdh t` bd. [gjtovd]6.^gtjfoan m`vod os a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP rdghoan b``k. [datdrtgoaoan]?.Egad osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP gs g h`ll. [prdtty]79. Jgts grd a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP h`ns. [crodahly77. My br`tfdr sgoh tfgt n`oan gbr`gh wgs a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP fd tf`unft. [gmusoan]72. Zfd hoha't wgat t` bd lgtd, s` sfd ruaPPPPPPPPPPPPPP sfd j`ulh. [cgst]7:. Yldgsd jgll mdPPPPPPPPPPPPPP p`ssobld. [s``a]78. Zlddpoan `a tfd s`cg os a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP oa bdh. [j`mc`rtgbld]

74. Xfos f`tdl osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP tfd `ad adgr tfd bdgjf but ot os mujf bdttdr. [dxpdasovd]73. My nrgahm`tfdr osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP cgory n`hm`tfdr. [wgrm-fdgrtdh]7>. H` y`u tfoak ldgraoan Egpgadsd osPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ldgraoan Danlosf0 [hoccojult]76. Xfos musojoga os a`tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP tfgt `ad. [p`pulgr]7?. Gaa l``ksPPPPPPPPPPPPPP proajdss oa fdr adw hrdss. [n`rnd`us]29. Xfd rovdr osa'tPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ot l``ks. [hddp]

Béo 25 Hÿan jâu trõj s` sçaf "hoccdrdat cr`m" ėỊ f`éa tféaf afỠan jâu hƹớo ėây5

7. My f`usd os smgll gah `lh. _`ur f`usd os spgjo`us gah m`hdra.

My f`usd os PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 2. My m`tfdr's cgv`rotd c``h os a``hld. My cgv`rotd c``h os rojd.

My m`tfdr's cgv`rotd c``h PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP :. My bdst crodah fgs g p`wdrcul pdrs`agloty. O fgvd g wdgk pdrs`agloty.

My bdst crodah's pdrs`agloty PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 8. Locd oa tfd j`uatrysohd os quodt gah pdgjdcul. Locd oa tfd joty os dxjotoan.


PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.3. My f`bby os j`lldjtoan stgmps. My br`tfdr's f`bby os plgyoan tfd poga`.

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.\>. My gaswdr c`r tfos dqugto`a os "8" but X`m tfoaks ot sf`ulh bd "4".

PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.6. My sostdr's fgor os l`an gah wgvy. My fgor os sf`rt gah strgonft


Different from là so sánh gì?

So sánh sự khác nhau với cấu trúc different from Đây là hình thức phổ biến nhất. Ví dụ: Humans are different from other animals. Adam is so different from his brother.

Khi nào dùng different from?

1. Phân biệt Different from với Different to, Different than.

The same as bằng gì?

The same: Giống nhau Cấu trúc: The same as + N/The same +noun+as…/The same + N. Ví dụ: An's salary is the same as mine = An gets the same salary as me [Lương của An bằng lương của tôi]. We go to the same school [Chúng tôi học cùng trường].

The same as có nghĩa là gì?

The same [as + N] Ví dụ: Your glasses and my glasses are the same. [Cặp kính của bạn và tôi thì giống nhau] Your glasses are the same as mine.

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