Bài giảng Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1

b. Now read the poem to your partner.


 Khanh is going back to school today.

 His friends are going back to school, too.

 His new school year starts today.

 He’s got a nice school bag.

 He’s got a new bike.

 His friends are on their way.

Bạn đang xem tài liệu "Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 1: My new school - Lesson 1: Getting started a special day - Năm học 2020-2021", để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên

UNIT 1 : MY NEW SCHOOL LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED A SPECIAL DAYWednesday, September 9th, 20201. Listen and readDuyVyPhong’s MumPhong1. Listen and reada. Are these sentences true [T] or false [F]?1. Vy and Duy are early.2. Phong is eating.3. Duy is Phong’s friend.4. Duy lives near Phong.5. Phong is wearing a school uniform.TTFTF1. Listen and readPhong: Oh, someone’s knocking at the door.Phong’ Mum: Hi, Vy. You’re early. Phong’s having breakfast.Vy: Hi, Mrs Nguyen. Oh dear, I’m sorry. I’m excited about our first day at school.Phong’s Mum: Ha ha, I see. Please come in.Vy: Hi, Phong. Are you ready?Phong: Yes, just a minute.Vy: Oh, I have a new friend. This is Duy.Phong: Hi, Duy. Nice to meet you.Duy: Hi, Phong. Nice to meet you too. I live here now. I go to the same school as youPhong: That’s good. School will be great – you’ll see. Hmm, your school bag looks heavy.Duy: Yes, it is. I have new notebooks, a new calculator, and new pens.Phong: And you’re wearing the new uniform Duy. You look smart!Duy: Thanks, Phong.Phong: Let me put on my uniform too. Then we can go.Vy: Sure, Phong.1. Listen and readb. Find these expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean1. Oh dear.2. You’ll see3. Come in4. Sureused to express surprise [negative]‘You’ll find out’used to invite sb inused to say ‘yes’/ ‘alright’1. Listen and readc. Work in pairs. Create short role – plays with the expressions. Then practise them.A. Oh dear. I forgot my calculatorB. That’s OK, you can borrow mine.A. Thank you.2. Listen and read the following poemCan you extend your conversation Get up, Nam Get up, Nam You’re going back to school Your friends are going back to school, too. The new school year starts today. You’ve got nice schoes. You’ve got new pens. Your friends are on their way. a. Work in pairs. Write a poem about your partner. Use the poem above to help you.Expamle: Khanh is going back to school today. His friends are going back to school, too. His new school year starts today. He’s got a nice school bag. He’s got a new bike. His friends are on their way. b. Now read the poem to your partner.Expamle: Khanh is going back to school today. His friends are going back to school, too. His new school year starts today. He’s got a nice school bag. He’s got a new bike. His friends are on their way. 3. Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat.1.b pencil sharpenner2.e compass3.j school bag4.d rubber3. Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat.5.c calculator6.i pencil case7. f notebook8.a bicycle3. Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat.9. g ruler10. h textbook4. Look around the class – what other things do you have in your classroom? Ask your teacher.HOME ASSIGNMENTS- Write a poem about your partner in your notebook.- Do A2/ P3, B1,2/ P4 [WB]- Do B [a, b]/ P6 [WNB]- Prepare A closer look 1.Thank you for your attention!

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • bai_giang_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_1_my_new_school_lesson_1_gett.ppt

- Learn the lesson well.

- do exercises1,2 [page 3]

- complete the sentences:


Where [be] are you, Ba?

- I [be] am upstairs.

2. you [eat] lunch at the school canteen?

3. It [be] sunny today.

4. Phong [live] near his school.

- Prepare “Unit 1: A closer look 1”

Bạn đang xem 20 trang mẫu của tài liệu "Bài giảng môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 1: My new school - Period 1: Getting started", để tải tài liệu gốc về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên

Unit 1: My new school Period 1: Lesson 1Getting started School things School thingsrulerbookEraser chalkSchool bagpenpaper notebookRemember and write the names of things109876543210Remember and write the names of things109876543210penpencilchairrulereraserflowerbooksdeskbike / bicycleschool bag Unit 1: My new school Period 2: Lesson 1Getting started - excited [a]: hào hứng- calculator [n]: máy tính - uniform [n] : đồng phục - smart [a] : thông minh I. Vocabulary:Put on = wear [ v ] mặc - compass [n] compaTrue / false statements:1. Vy and Duy are early.2. Phong is eating4. Duy lives near PhongTTFT3. Duy is Phong’s friend. 5. Phong is wearing a school uniform.FVyisn’t1. Oh dear 2. You’ll3. Come in4. Sure1. Oh dear Express surprise [negative] 2. You’ll“ You’ll find out”3. Come ininvite somebody in 4. Sure“yes”/ alright”.Example:A: Oh dear. I forgot my calculator.B: That’s OK, you can borrow mine.A: Thank you.Example:Khanh is going back to school today-His friends .Match the words with the school things.a. bicycle b. Pencil sharpener c. calculator d. rubber e. compass f. notebook g. ruler h. textbook i. pencil case j. school bag b. Pencil sharpener e. compass j. school bag d. rubber c. calculatori. pencil caseh. textbook a. bicycle g. ruler f. notebook Make a list of the school things they have in their classroom There are six ceiling fans in my classroomHomeworkLearn the lesson well.- do exercises1,2 [page 3]- complete the sentences:Example: Where [be] are you, Ba?- I [be] am upstairs.2. you [eat] lunch at the school canteen? 3. It [be] sunny today.4. Phong [live] near his school.- Prepare “Unit 1: A closer look 1” GIÁO ÁN TIẾNG ANH 6Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOLLesson 1: Getting Started

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • bai_giang_mon_tieng_anh_lop_6_unit_1_my_new_school_period_1.ppt

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: Greetings - Lesson 4 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 6 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: Greetings - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: Greetings - Lesson 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6 Unit 1: Greetings - Lesson 5


1. Knowledge.

At the end of this lesson, Ss can:

  • Count from one to 20
  • Understand how to use of ordinal number.
  • Vocab: 1- 20, and, minus
  • Structures: one and two is three, three minus two is one

2. Skills: Using all 4 skills.

3. Education: Ps Ss have great passion for studying.


1.Teacher: Lesson plan, English book visual aids.

2. Students: Books, notebooks….

C. METHODS: T/WhC, pairs, group, individual work



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

II. Warm up:

Jumbled words:

Gives some words in not order of the letters on the B

Ask ss to rearrange the words which have meaning

-mane [name]

-dogo nevenig [good evening]

Ew ear [we are]

III. New lesson:

Step 1: Presentation:10’

Number [n]


One/ two/ three/ four/ five/ six/ seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty


One and two is three [1+2= 3]

Step 2. Practice: 16’

- Asks Ss to read the ordinal numbers again "2 or 3 times"

- Calls some Ss to read aloud.

- Controls and corrects.

- Let’s play a game "Rub out and remember".

- Guides Ss to play the game.

* Role play [B2]:

Asks ss to cout from zero to twenty in pairs

- cout down the numbers from 20 to seven

- go around and help if necessary

- call on some ss to read in front of the class

* Asks ss to ask others

- one and three is…

- two and four is……..

Seven minus three is..

Ten minus four…

* Word cue drill:

7 -3

5+ 6

6 + 8

10 + 2

10- 4

Step 3: Free practice 10

- Asks Ss to play the game"slap the boarb"

- Writes the numbers on the boarb.

- Divedes the class into 2 groups, calls 4 Ss to stand for 2 teams to the board.

- Guides how to play .

Eg: T: says: thirty

S: slap their hand on the number 3 as soon as possible.

IV: Summary; 3’

1 or 2 Ps read the count from 0 to 20

V. Home work 2’

- Learn by heart all the ordinal numbers.

- Do exercise 1 [workbook]

- Prepare part for next period [C 3, 4/ Unit 1]

one - 1

two - 2

three - 3

four - 4

five - 5

six - 6

seven - 7

eight - 8

nine - 9

ten - 10

eleven - 11

twelve - 12

thirteen - 13

fourteen - 14

fifteen - 15

sixteen - 16 eventeen - 17 eighteen - 18 nineteen - 19

twenty - 20

- Ss read in chorus .

- Read.

:Count from 1 to 20.

- Listen and play.

Eg: S1.count 15

S2.write "fifteen" on the board.

- Do the same.

- Play the game.

12 20 4

6 7 14 5


3 16

8 18

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