Appealing to là gì

Appeal To Là Gì

Là Gì 28 Tháng Bảy, 2021 Là Gì
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appeal /əpi:l/
danh từ sự mời gọi; lời mời gọi lời thỉnh cầu, sự cầu khẩnwith a look of appeal: với vẻ cầu khẩnto make an appeal to someones generossity: cầu đến lòng rộng lượng của ai, mời gọi lòng rộng lượng của ai [pháp lý] sự chống án; quyền chống ánto lodge an appeal; to give notice of appeal: đưa đơn chống ánCourt of Appeal toà thượng thẩm sức lôi cuốn, sức quyến rũto have appeal: có sức lôi cuốn, có sức quyến rũto appeal to the country [xem] country

lời thỉnh cầuLĩnh vực: xây dựng

mời gọi

sự chống án

chống ánappeal bond: giấy cam kết trả phí chống áncase on appeal: vụ chống ántax appeal: thủ tục chống án về thuế

sự chống ánadministration appeal

sự khiếu lại hành chánhadvertising appeal

chủ đề quảng cáoappeal committee

ủy ban trọng tàiappeal element

nội dung thỉnh cầuappeal element

yếu tố thỉnh cầuappeal for funds

sự gọi vốnappeal for tenders

sự gọi thầuappeal of advertising

sức mê hoặc của quảng cáoappeal point research

khảo sát điểm thỉnh cầuappeal proceedings

thủ tục kháng ánappeal product

sản phẩm quyến rũcircuit court of appeal

tòa phúc thẩm lưu độngdesign appeal

sự lôi cuốn bằng những kiểu thiết bịeye appeal

sự lôi cuốn thị giáceye appeal

sức mê hoặc ngoại quanfinal appeal

kháng cáo chung thẩmright of appeal

quyền thượng tố, chống án, kháng cáo

Xem Ngay: Cae Là Gì - Những ứng Dụng Trong Kỹ Thuật

Từ điển chuyên ngành Pháp luật

Appeal: Kháng cáo
Yêu cầu gởi tòa án cấp cao hơn xem xét lại kết quả xét xử của tòa án cấp dưới. Phải có lý do hợp pháp để kháng cáo. Ví dụ, quan tòa đã có rất nhiều sai sót khi cần sử dụng luật vào vụ kiện.

Từ điển chuyên ngành Thể thao: Điền kinh


Khiếu nại

Xem Ngay: entreaty, prayer, appealingness, charm, solicitation, collection, ingathering, invoke, attract, invoke

Tra câu | Xem báo tiếng Anh


Từ điển Collocation

appeal noun

1 serious request for sth you need/want very much

ADJ. desperate, emergency, emotional, urgent | direct | fresh, further a fresh appeal for witnesses to come forward | mute She gazed at him in mute appeal.

VERB + APPEAL issue, make They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.

PREP. ~ for an appeal for help | ~ to an appeal to reason

2 formal request to sb in authority

ADJ. formal, personal

VERB + APPEAL bring, tệp tin, lodge, make Hes lodged an appeal against the size of the fine. | win | lose | allow [formal], consider, hear The judge has agreed to allow his appeal. The court will hear the appeal on 10 June. | uphold His appeal was upheld và he was released immediately. | deny, dismiss, reject, throw out, turn down

APPEAL + VERB fail | succeed

APPEAL + NOUN court, tribunal | hearing | judge | procedure, process, system

PREP. on ~ On appeal, it was held that the judge was correct.

Bài Viết: Appeal to là gì

Xem Ngay: Vnindex Là Gì? ý Nghĩa Thực Sự Của Chỉ Số Vn Index Là Gì

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| under ~ a case currently under appeal | ~ against an appeal against his conviction of fraud | ~ for an appeal for leniency | ~ to an appeal to the High Court

PHRASES a court of appeal, give/grant sb leave to appeal, grounds of appeal, pending appeal The players have been suspended pending appeal. | a right of appeal You have the right of appeal to the Consitutional Court.

3 sự kiện for raising money

ADJ. charity, fund-raising | radio, television

VERB + APPEAL hold, launch An appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees. | back, tư vấn

APPEAL + VERB raise sth The radio appeal raised over three million pounds.


4 attraction/interest

ADJ. considerable, great, growing, obvious, powerful, special, strong | immediate, instant the books immediate apeal to young children | limited, little | broad, mass, popular, universal, wide a publication designed for mass appeal | aesthetic, commercial, electoral, intellectual, sex, visual Unfortunately, the film lacks commercial appeal.

VERB + APPEAL have, hold His views hold no appeal for me. | broaden, extend, widen We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music. | lose

APPEAL + VERB lie in sth His considerable appeal lies in his quiet, gentle manner.

PREP. ~ for School lost its appeal for her in the second year.

Từ điển WordNet


earnest or urgent request; entreaty, prayer

an entreaty to stop the fighting

an appeal for help

an appeal to the public to keep calm

attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates; appealingness, charm

his smile was part of his appeal to her

Xem Ngay: Scrambled Egg Là Gì - Cách Làm Trứng Khuấy

[law] a legal proceeding in which the appellant resorts to a higher court for the purpose of obtaining a review of a lower court decision và a reversal of the lower courts judgment or the granting of a new trial

their appeal was denied in the superior court

request for a sum of money; solicitation, collection, ingathering

an appeal to raise money for starving children


take a court case to a higher court for review

He was found guilty but appealed immediately

request earnestly [something from somebody]; ask for aid or protection; invoke

appeal to somebody for help

Invoke God in times of trouble

be attractive to; attract

The idea of a vacation appeals to me

The beautiful garden attracted many people

challenge [a decision]

She appealed the verdict

cite as an authority; resort to; invoke

He invoked the law that would save him

I appealed to the law of 1900

She invoked an ancient law

English Synonym và Antonym Dictionary

syn.: beg entreat implore plead

Thể Loại: Chia sẻ Kiến Thức Cộng Đồng

Bài Viết: Appeal To Là Gì

Thể Loại: LÀ GÌ

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