Active noise control a tutorial review

Abstract. The previous regulations about acoustics in buildings ruled only isolation, forgetting other important subjects. The new code in Spain, specifically the DB-HR document, also include the regulations of excessive noise reverberating that produces and causes discomfort in many cases non-speech intelligibility, this circumstance is crucial in certain areas. The passive control restrictions in these limits of frequencies are well known.

Active noise control [ANC] is achieved by introducing a canceling "antinoise" wave through an appropriate array of secondary sources. These secondary sources are interconnected through an electronic system using a specific signal processing algorithm for the particular cancellation scheme. ANC has application to a wide variety of problems in manufacturing, industrial operations, and consumer products. The emphasis of this paper is on the practical aspects of ANC systems in terms of adaptive signal processing and digital signal processing [DSP] implementation for real-world applications.

This paper proposes a method which is combination of both Feed-forward and Feedback active noise control systems called Hybridactive noise control [H-ANC] method, which uses lower order filters and also reduces distortion generated by the feedback ANC.

Review of DSP algorithms for active noise control

Sen M. KuoDennis R. Morgan

Engineering, Computer Science

Proceedings of the 2000. IEEE International…

  • 2000

Digital signal processing algorithms for broadband feedforward control, narrowband feed forward control, and adaptive feedback control are reviewed, first introduced and analyzed for a single-channel configuration, and then expanded to multiple-channel cases.

Passband disturbance reduction in periodic active noise control systems

  1. KuoM. Ji


  • 1996

This paper analyzes the passband amplification condition and develops an algorithm that consists of two interconnected adaptive filters using the same internally generated reference signal that reduces the disturbance reduction for periodic ANC while using a relatively large step size to improve the convergence rate.

Active adaptive sound control in a duct: A computer simulation

  1. Burgess

Engineering, Computer Science

  • 1981

A digital computer simulation of adaptive closed‐loop control for a specific application, sound cancellation in a duct, using an extension of Sondhi’s adaptive echo canceler and Widrow's adaptive noise canceler from signal processing to control based on the LMS gradient search method.

A delayless subband adaptive filter architecture

  1. MorganJ. Thi

Computer Science, Engineering

  • 1995

A new type of subband adaptive filter architecture is presented in which the adaptive weights are computed in subbands, but collectively transformed into an equivalent set of wideband filter coefficients, which avoids signal path delay while retaining the computational and convergence speed advantages of sub band processing.

Adaptive noise cancelling: Principles and applications

  1. WidrowJ. Glover Eugene Dong

Engineering, Computer Science

  • 1975

It is shown that in treating periodic interference the adaptive noise canceller acts as a notch filter with narrow bandwidth, infinite null, and the capability of tracking the exact frequency of the interference; in this case the canceller behaves as a linear, time-invariant system, with the adaptive filter converging on a dynamic rather than a static solution.

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